All words you always came out with, are totally breathless...
I do not know how you have made me be awed by your instinct,
without any inspiration to force myself to understand,
what is just impossible to see at first sight...
Part of my life, I have been rescuing the whole meaning,
from what you call "love" without changing the sence...
of all strong words you tell me when you say you are in love with me,
and all i guess, is that I am getting crazy,
so, it seems a death sentence for me,to share with you till the end of my days...
It must be you, getting pride, not your soul...
bringing love and peace to me as it must be...
that is the way you show the world how you out-shine,
watching me just like a gift in life to show them...
As a petal of flowers, I am just hoping somthing unbelievable to happen,
so, a morning star could shine more than you do, just for arrogance...
But as a piece of sheet which burns with fire,
my dreams are extinguishing, at the time I get perturbed by the horrible situation...
Every morining I plod through nowhere, just feeling the wind flows...
I know you have a lame-brain, and you are a stag,
but I just can not stop paying attention to you,
and although I am realising that I should have scoffed on you...
my sensitivity won't help me to set you free..
I suppose what calls my attention the most, is that you are not a suitor,
I know it is the fact that usually worry me as well..
and when you say you enjoy living your life with extrem freedom,
I quiver with fear...
You have left me some marks on my heart,
as if you had bruised it quite badly, literary talkig...
that sort of damage is irresistable,
I can not focus myself in something esle apart form you...
You have loved me, but it is like being on pins and neddles,
apparently as a gray sunless sky, which shows my unresplendent destiny...
then I look back to you, and notice I am nothing without you...
you have already become my steps to follow any moment...
So, do not leave me be aware of having new experiences with other guys,
because the only trace I am sure I want to live, is dealing with life...
in every cases we would face any time, to stay with you forever,
although you are a sort of special, and phatetic guy...
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